



欢迎来到新学年! 主图书馆时间表日历是开放的时间表社区活动. 申请可以在2023-24学年提交. Please remember we require a minimum of 15 working days to process Requests.


UPDATE: 毫升时间表 is open for scheduling through the last day of school Friday, 6/21. 7月至8月活动的开幕日期待定. 请查看春季的更新.


365体育备用网站按小时使用设施, 园林局和机构间联合使用协议的办学学校是通过网上时间表处理. 按小时租用场地的程序如下.

如有任何问题,请与我们联系 buildingrental@freetimeanalytics.com.

All facility use is cancelled when schools are closed due to an emergency and/or inclement weather. 我们只接受支票或汇票. 我们不接受现金或信用卡.

收到批准的在线请求后, 房屋租赁协调员将审查申请,以确保申请符合bt365体育备用网站的政策. 当满足以下所有要求时, the online request will be approved and an email notice sent to the contact person on the request. Use of the facility is not authorized until the online request has been changed to “Approved”.





每小时租金- 2023年9月生效


基本的建筑WeekdayWeekend & Holiday
阶段(排练 & 安装,而不是拆卸)$13.48$14.38
小学 & 二级建筑 Weekday Weekend & Holiday
Gym Small$55$55
厨房(不包括设备使用-见编号. 2)$44.08$47.06
非专用停车场(每4小时)-见. 6$76.24$81.38
二级建筑 Weekday Weekend & Holiday
Gym Large$65$65
舞台-排练 & 安装(不用于拆卸)$40.65$43.39
小剧院  $26.96$29.25



  • Weekday & 星期六- $72.每小时45英镑
  • Holiday & 星期日- $93.每小时15美元


  • 退还的 (每次在线申请)- $25
  • 应要求更改/修订 – *$15
  • Late Fee (如果申请提交晚,并为事件处理)- *$15



收费标准为每小时1至5堂课. 健身房,餐厅,或礼堂每小时.

  • 启动成本(每天)- 54美元.56
  • 每小时- $7.54


  1. Custodial overtime is charged at a minimum of four hours during Non-School Days. Charges are incurred 1/2 hour before starting time and at least 1/2 hour or more after the end of the event. 在正常上学日期间,可能会收取管理费.
  2. Kitchen use must be APPROVED by lunchroom personnel and Building Principal/Program Mgr. 请致电206-252-0675与餐饮服务部联系. 烹饪人员费用可能适用.
  3. All space rentals including Auditoriums, Gyms, 演艺中心s (PAC), etc. 只租这个地方吗. 租金不包括特殊设备、照明等. Please check with the school prior to scheduling for availability of special equipment, lighting, etc.
  4. 由于活动的规模和/或性质,可能需要采取安全措施. 有些学校无论活动的规模和/或性质都需要安全保障. 每位保安人员最少收费四小时.
  5. 在活动开始前,可能需要支付清洁和/或损坏保证金. 价格从250美元起.00 to $2,000.00 depending on building requirements, type of activity, and number of attendants.
  6. Parking Lot rentals are non-exclusive use, on a first-come, first-served basis.
  7. 野外使用(与公园部安排.) is for the field only and does not include Restrooms, scoreboards, pressbox, lights, etc.

2023- 2024年

Use Type每小时率


The following rules are acknowledged electronically upon log in requesting facility use online.

  1. The contact person and the person of record submitting the online request for use of SPS 设施/物业必须已使用18年或以上,并将被视为组织的代表,并将负责与使用相关的可收回费用/成本 SPS 设施、建筑物或财产. 对规则的接受构成具有法律约束力的文件.
  2. Applicant/Organization is responsible for the safety and conduct of its participants and spectators.
  3. The Applicant/Organization agrees to fully comply in accordance with the adoption of policies for the management of concussion and head injury in youth sports; as amended in RCW 4.24.660和28A章.600 RCW(如适用). 在完成所有要求并由学区和/或指定人员批准之前,不得授予使用学校设施的权利.
  4. 所有使用学校设施的团体必须提供一名成人主管,该主管必须在所有活动期间与团体保持联系,并负责团体遵守适用的规章制度.
  5. 申请人/机构接受租用场地或建筑物的“现状”,并有责任检查租用场地或建筑物是否有损坏或危险情况, 包括但不限于洞, 破碎的物品, debris, 水泄漏, 或该物业有其他危险情况. 申请人/机构有责任通知本区有关处所的任何损坏或危险情况.
  6. 申请人通常需要提供商业一般责任保险的承保证明,限额为1美元,000,000次. 365体育备用网站必须被指定为任何政策的附加保险. 保险公司必须有A. M. 最好的评级是A-或更高. Coverage shall not be cancelled or reduced without thirty (30) day’s written notice to the district. Log into 毫升时间表 软件并上传证书. 证书上的地址应该是:365体育备用网站, 大厦租金MS: 23:11 1, 邮箱34165, 西雅图WA 98124-1165.
  7. The Applicant/Organization shall protect, hold harmless, indemnify, and defend SPS and SPS 管理人员和雇员免除任何和所有责任, claims, lawsuits, 或由于申请人的过失行为而直接或间接地因使用许可证所涵盖的房屋而产生的诉讼权利, it agents, employees, invitees, 或分包商. 在事件中 SPS incurs attorney fees and/or costs in the defense of claims or lawsuits under this section, 该等费用及成本可向申请人/机构追讨.
  8. 除厨房服务人员外,任何人不得使用厨房. Culinary Services must be contacted to request use of kitchen at 206-252-0675 prior to scheduling online. In 华盛顿 State, all persons working in food handling area must now have a Food Handler Permit. 使用小卖部必须遵守单独的规则.
  9. Tables, chairs, 除非在许可证上特别注明,并且由或在管理员的直接监督下,否则桌子和其他家具和设备不得从一个房间移到另一个房间 SPS employee. Extra or unusual services for programs or activities must be identified on the online schedule.
  10. 任何类型的广告材料只能在指定的时间和区域内分发.
  11. 申请人/机构不得实施任何形式的歧视.
  12. Boisterous conduct, profane or other improper language will not be tolerated.
  13. Alcohol, marijuana, drugs, 还有武器(枪), knives, 以及其他危险武器)是不允许携带的 SPS 任何时候的财产.
  14. 禁止吸烟和使用烟草制品 SPS property. The term “tobacco products” shall include but it is not limited to cigarettes, cigars, snuff, 吸烟, 无烟烟草, nicotine, 电子设备, non-FDA approved nicotine delivering devices chemicals or devices that produce the same flavor or physical effect of nicotine substances; and any other smoking equipment, material, 或者烟草创新. 这个地区禁止使用明火, candles, 以及设施内外任何类型的火灾.
  15. All events will be required to meet the occupancy load and fire and safety regulations of SPS西雅图市和华盛顿州.
  16. 机会游戏, 除非法律允许,并且必须有适当的许可,否则不允许抽奖和赠送奖品, 如果适用的话, 来自国家赌博委员会.
  17. 未经事先批准,禁止改变场地/设施. 这可能包括悬挂标志之类的东西, 安装支持, 将目标, 在墙壁和地板上使用胶带, etc.
  18. 申请人须自费移除, 装饰, materials, 和设备, 使用学校设施后留下的家具或垃圾. 楼宇租金为 SPS 设施按小时收费. 在日常或夜间使用结束时不提供存储.
  19. All groups shall leave the school facilities in the same order and condition in which they found them. SPS 保留收回损失费用的权利, 设备使用过程中发生的破损或损坏物品. 签字单位将负责费用补偿.
  20. The use of facilities shall be restricted to those spaces and times specifically covered in the use agreement. Rentals are for the space/facility only and do not include special equipment or lighting. Please check with the school prior to scheduling for availability of special equipment.
  21. 行政机关及个别学校得编订并张贴其他补充特别规则, 哪些适用于特定的情况和地点.
  22. 所有小组都应遵守城市条例,并将可回收材料放入位于建筑物各处的蓝色混合回收容器中. This includes paper, plastic cups/bottles/jugs, metal, glass, milk and juice cartons. 可堆肥的材料,如食物和食物污纸,必须放入位于自助餐厅的绿色堆肥容器中, kitchen, 员工休息室, 还有烹饪食物的课程. Go to www.seattle.gov/util/MyServices/LookItUpWhatsAccepted for information about what is recyclable and compostable.
  23. SPS 当建筑物被用于预定的活动时,是否对个人或团体的个人财产损失负责.
  24. 根据联邦版权法, all organizations must obtain permission from the copyright holder if the work, 节目或表演受版权保护.
  25. 申请费用必须提前邮寄到大楼租赁办公室, unless other arrangements have been agreed upon and approved by the Building Rental Event Coordinator. All fees for a single use of a facility must be paid at least ten (10) working days before the scheduled use. 我们只接受支票或汇票. 我们不接受现金或信用卡.
  26. 申请人/机构应在预定使用前至少五个工作天通知学校大楼和大楼租赁活动协调员取消先前安排的活动. 更改/取消必须以书面形式提交. 如未能做到, SPS may invoice for expenses incurred in preparation for use of the facility requested.
  27. Changes to an online request may be accommodated on the same online request. 更改/取消必须直接通过电子邮件发送至 buildingrental@freetimeanalytics.com. 请求ID号. must be provided to initiate the change/cancelation and received by the 建筑租赁 Office no later than 五个工作日 在受修订影响的日期之前. 每次更改将收取更改费(第一次更改免费).
  28. SPS 保留因正当理由取消任何请求的权利. 当设施/建筑物因紧急情况和/或恶劣天气而关闭时,所有设施的使用将被取消. 在此类取消的情况下, there shall be no claim or right to damage or compensation on account of any loss, damage, or expense whatsoever endured by the Applicant as a result of such cancellation. Rules acknowledged electronically upon log in requesting facility use online.



SPS 使用一种叫做 图书馆总时间表

主库支持内容 包括展示如何创建帐户的教程, 提交新请求, 以及如何在需要时获得支持.

  1. Contact the school first for availability and preliminary approval to use the facility.
  2. 新用户,创建一个新帐户 图书馆总时间表 在保险凭证上使用被保险人的集团名称.
  3. 365体育备用网站设施(建筑和场地)的社区使用需要保险证明。. 在ML时间表中完成新帐户设置时,上传您组织的保险证书,将365体育备用网站命名为额外被保险人.
  4. 该帐户将在主图书馆时间表中进行审查和批准. 账号审批通过后,系统发送通知.
  5. 新账户批准后通知, submit an online request at least fifteen (15) working days prior to the date of the event.  每次在线申请收取不可退还的行政费用. A Request submitted less than fifteen (15) working days may NOT be processed.
  6. Filming activities require eighteen (18) working days and a $50 non-refundable administrative fee. 请参阅以上拍摄活动收费表. A Request submitted less than eighteen (18) working days may NOT be processed.   
  7. 邮寄地址:365体育备用网站, 大厦租赁电话:23-311, 邮箱34165, 西雅图WA 98124-1165. 以确保您的帐户有适当的信用, please include the organization’s name used on the 毫升时间表 Request and Invoice Number on the check.
  8. 一旦满足了所有的要求, the online Request will be Approved and an email notification sent to Applicant.  在在线请求被完全处理并更改为之前,不允许访问该设施 “Approved“. 




如果你是社区之夜活动的参与者, please follow directions below for submitting building reservation requests.

When creating your User profile, please make sure under Organizations you select 第1c组-社区之夜. 更多关于社区之夜计划的信息.


除了365体育备用网站的工作人员和活动外,其他用户使用365体育备用网站的设施需要保险.  在大厦租金使用者资料的社区使用部分登记使用设施时,必须提供保险证明. 如果你的团体没有自己的责任保险政策,符合365体育备用网站的要求, 您可以通过租户用户责任保险计划(TULIP)为您的事件购买保险。.  阅读更多关于租户用户责任保险计划的信息.

展示如何更新保险信息的更多细节. The obsolete insurance file and field must be deleted and updated in 毫升时间表. Updating the correct insurance fields allows the system to recognize the new information; and continued access for the User to submit new Requests.

Log into ML日程安排软件, upload a pdf of the insurance certificate showing 365体育备用网站 as the additional insured as follows:

西雅图WA 98124-1165



  • 加热设定点:68度
  • 冷却设定点:76度


  • 加热设定点:65度
  • 冷却设定点:76度


  • 加热设定点:62度
  • 冷却设定点:无机械冷却